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As we are taught


A detailed teaching on how a believer should receive God’s word, the importance of being taught, and the fruits that should proceed as a result of paying attention to God’s word. ‘As we are taught’ is an instructive guide aimed at helping the believer to prepare his heart to properly receive the riches in God’s word, to the end that he is able to give a defense of his faith, equip him to teach the untaught, and show him how to place premium on spiritual verities.

The essence of Bible teaching is to produce men that are well versed in their faith. Many today have teachers like the Pharisees and Sadducees who, although teach from the scriptures, arrive at an entirely different conclusion from what the writers intended. It is imperative that every teacher and student of the scriptures is exposed to the age-old truth that is contained in the pages of the Bible, and present it without any bias.

In obedience to the instructions of Jesus to make students of every nation by teaching them the exact things He taught His disciples, this series of teaching will stir in you the same zeal and passion like the disciples had for the truth. You will grow in knowledge and approve things that are excellent, as you are taught.

As We Are Taught 1 (Readiness to Defend) January 12, 2022
As We Are Taught 2 (Knowledge and Appraisal) January 26, 2022
As We Are Taught 3 (Reteaching the Church in Exile) January 30, 2022